FAQS: Ingredients & Percentages | What our customers need to know

Pet food bag labels can be confusing, but our bags are designed to be simple and clear giving you all the information you will need to make sure you buy and feed the best possible food to meet your pet's needs.
The order of ingredients, the percentage of protein and fat and carbs. What does it all mean? The ingredients on the bag of your pet’s food
is listed in order of inclusion. The first ingredient is what the recipe contains the most of, and so on. If we look at a bag of ACANA
Ranchlands, the first ingredient is fresh, ranch-raised beef, at 8%; then raw, grass-fed lamb, at 7%; fresh Yorkshire pork, at 7%; and so
on. Therefore, Ranchlands’ highest ingredient is ranch-raised beef. Eight percent of the bag is from that. The Analytical Constituents section
tells you what percentage of things like protein, fat, and fibre the bag contains. Ranchlands is 70% quality animal ingredients, and 35%
protein, with 17% fat.
You may have questions about the protein content in dog food and which ingredients are best for your dog. With clear, informative graphics
and easy-to-read ingredient panels and analyses lists, ORIJEN and ACANA bags can be a great tool for helping to answer Pet Lovers’
questions. The numbers can be confusing, but our bags are designed to be simple and clear and if you have any other questions, your nearest
stockist would be happy to help.
To help find a stockist near you https://www.natureski.co.nz/new-zealand-stockists/